1 акт агресії
2 акт агрессии
3 акт агрессии
4 акт агрессии
5 акт агрессии
act of aggressionРусско-английский справочник переводчика-международника > акт агрессии
6 агрессия агресси·я
дать отпор агрессии, остановить агрессию — to stop / to halt an aggression
отразить агрессию — to counter / to repel / to repulse an aggression
подвергнуться агрессии — to be subjected to aggression, to be the target of aggression
предотвращать / сдерживать агрессию — to deter / to contain aggression
расширять агрессию — to expand / to escalate / to step up aggression
внешняя агрессия, агрессия извне — external / outside aggression
наглая / явная агрессия — blazing / blazen-faced aggression
необоснованная / ничем не вызванная агрессия — wanton aggression
открытая агрессия — open / overt aggression
агрессия с применением ядерного оружия — aggression with / accompanied by the use of nuclear weapons
запрещение агрессии — banning / prohibition of aggression
очаг агрессии — hotbed / seat of aggression
пресечение агрессии — curbing / stopping of aggression
сдерживание агрессии — deterrence / containment of aggression
7 акт
8 враждебный акт
Бизнес, юриспруденция. Русско-английский словарь > враждебный акт
9 agresión
f.1 aggression.2 attack, assault, battery, offensive.* * *1 aggression, attack* * *noun f.1) aggression2) assault, attack* * *SF (=acometida) aggression; [contra persona] attack, assault* * *femenino aggressionse lo acusa de agresión — (Der) he's charged with assault
* * *= attack, aggression, assault, act of aggression, battery, aggressive incident.Ex. The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.Ex. This article describes the contents of a help pack, produced by Bradford Public Library to help library staff when dealing with violence and aggression at work.Ex. Crimes against the person include homicide, rape, assault and robbery.Ex. The study was designed to determine if players felt remorse if an opposing player was injured as a result of their act of aggression.Ex. The increasing frequency of notorious cases of conflicts between police officers & members of the general public (which in New York City has led to incidents of death, battery, & sexual assault) is cause for alarm.Ex. Data on 9318 aggressive incidents were collected from official game reports.----* agresión a mano armada = armed assault.* agresión brutal = vicious attack, brutal attack.* agresión con ensañamiento = vicious attack.* agresión con lesiones = assault and battery.* agresión física = physical assault, physical aggression.* agresión sexual = sexual assault, molestation.* agresión verbal = verbal aggression, verbal assault, verbal abuse.* * *femenino aggressionse lo acusa de agresión — (Der) he's charged with assault
* * *= attack, aggression, assault, act of aggression, battery, aggressive incident.Ex: The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.
Ex: This article describes the contents of a help pack, produced by Bradford Public Library to help library staff when dealing with violence and aggression at work.Ex: Crimes against the person include homicide, rape, assault and robbery.Ex: The study was designed to determine if players felt remorse if an opposing player was injured as a result of their act of aggression.Ex: The increasing frequency of notorious cases of conflicts between police officers & members of the general public (which in New York City has led to incidents of death, battery, & sexual assault) is cause for alarm.Ex: Data on 9318 aggressive incidents were collected from official game reports.* agresión a mano armada = armed assault.* agresión brutal = vicious attack, brutal attack.* agresión con ensañamiento = vicious attack.* agresión con lesiones = assault and battery.* agresión física = physical assault, physical aggression.* agresión sexual = sexual assault, molestation.* agresión verbal = verbal aggression, verbal assault, verbal abuse.* * *aggressionel ejército responderá a toda agresión por parte extranjera the army will respond to any foreign aggressionfue víctima de una agresión brutal he was the victim of a brutal attack o assaultCompuesto:sex attack, sexual assault* * *
agresión sustantivo femenino
agresión sustantivo femenino aggression
' agresión' also found in these entries:
- pacto
- valor
- defender
- herido
- repeler
- assault
- cheek
- sexual assault
- aggressive
- road
* * *agresión nf[ataque] act of aggression, attack;sufrir una agresión to be the victim of an attackagresión sexual sex attack* * *f aggression;una agresión an assault, an attack* * *1) : aggression2) ataque: attack* * *agresión n aggression -
10 agression
agression [agʀesjɔ̃]feminine noun* * *agʀesjɔ̃1) ( par une personne) attack; ( pour voler) mugging; ( par un pays) act of aggression2) Psychologie aggression* * *aɡʀesjɔ̃ nf1) (= attaque) attack2) (verbale) attack3) POLITIQUE, MILITAIRE aggressionle pacte de non-agression HISTOIRE — the non-aggression pact
4) PSYCHOLOGIE, PSYCHIATRIE aggression* * *agression nf1 ( par une personne) attack; ( pour voler) mugging; ( par un pays) act of aggression; une agression raciste a racist attack; être victime d'une agression gén to be attacked; ( être volé) to be mugged; commettre une agression contre qn gén to attack sb; ( pour voler) to mug sb; agression à main armée armed assault;2 ( par un fait) protégez votre visage contre les agressions protect your face from the wind and the cold; les agressions de l'entourage/la vie urbaine the stresses and strains of one's surroundings/city life;3 Psych aggression.[agrɛsjɔ̃] nom fémininêtre victime d'une ou subir une agression to be assaulted -
11 акт
1) (поступок, действие) actдезавуировать акт представителя (какой-л. страны) — to disown an act of an envoy
враждебный акт — hostile act, act of hostility
исторический акт — historic / epoch-making act
недружественный акт — unfriendly act (towards)
незаконный акт — illegal / unlawful act
предательский акт — treacherous action, act of hostility
террористический акт, акт терроризма — act of terrorism, terrorist act
лица, совершающие террористические акты — perpetrators of acts of terrorism
умышленный акт — intentional / deliberate act
акт вежливости — devoir(s) фр.
акт незаконного захвата воздушного судна, находящегося в полёте — unlawful act of seizure of aircraft in flight
акт, противоречащий самым элементарным требованиям гуманности — act contrary to the most elementary dictates of humanity
акт, совершённый без полномочий — act performed without authority
2) (документ) act, deed, instrumentсоставлять акт — to draw up / to make an act
Заключительный Акт Совещания по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе ист. — Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
законодательный акт — enactment, statute
законодательный акт о представлении чрезвычайных полномочий — enabling act / statute
обвинительный акт, предъявляемый по решению "большому жюри" — bill of indictment
парламентский акт (законопроект, принятый палатой общин и палатой лордов Великобритании и получивший королевскую санкцию) — Act of Parliament
учредительный акт — constituent act / instrument
акт конгресса США, разрешающий территории начать подготовку к переходу на статус штата — enabling act / statute
акт о присоединении (к договору) — act / instrument of accession
акт признания (факта, претензии) — act of recognition
акт, санкционирующий военные действия — act authorising warfare
признание правовой / юридической силы иностранных государственных актов — legalization of foreign public acts
12 агрессия
сущ.- косвенная агрессияотражать агрессию — to rebuff (repel, repulse) aggression
- открытая вооружённая агрессия
- прямая агрессия -
13 агрессия
сущ.aggression- идеологическая агрессия
- косвенная агрессия
- открытая вооружённая агрессия
- прямая агрессияакт \агрессияи — act of aggression
запрещение \агрессияи — banning (prohibition) of aggression
определение \агрессияи — definition of aggression
остановить \агрессияю — to check (stop) aggression
отражать \агрессияю — to rebuff (repel, repulse) aggression
очаг \агрессияи — hotbed (seat) of aggression
подавление актов \агрессияи — suppression of acts of aggression
подвергаться \агрессияи — to be subjected to aggression
предупреждать \агрессияю — to prevent aggression
развязывать \агрессияю — to launch aggression
расширять \агрессияю — to escalate aggression
стать жертвой \агрессияи — to fall victim to smb’s aggression
14 agresj|a
f sgt 1. aggression- agresja fizyczna/słowna physical/verbal aggression- wybuch agresji an outburst of aggression- przejawiać agresję wobec otoczenia to display a. manifest aggression towards those around one- tłumić w sobie agresję to stifle one’s aggression- wyładować agresję na kimś/czymś to take out one’s anger on sb/sth- tłum wyładował swoją agresję, demolując sklepy the crowd gave vent to its aggression by demolishing shops- stała się obiektem agresji seksualnej she was the victim of sexual aggression- te bezpodstawne oskarżenia wyzwoliły a. wywołały w nim agresję the groundless accusations caused him to turn a. become aggressive- atmosfera narastającej agresji an atmosphere of growing hostility2. Polit. (zbrojna napaść) invasion, aggression- agresja Niemiec na Polskę Germany’s invasion of Poland- dokonać (aktu) agresji to commit an act of aggressionThe New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > agresj|a
15 agresja
-i; -e; gen pl; -i; f* * *f.2. psych. aggression; agresja fizyczna physical violence; agresja słowna verbal abuse; napad agresji fit of violence l. anger.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > agresja
16 agressie
♦voorbeelden:agressie opwekken • provoke aggression -
17 arrepentirse
pron.v.1 to regret it (lamentar) (de acción).arrepentirse de algo/de haber hecho algo to regret something/having done something; (acción) to repent (of) something/having done something (pecado, crimen)ven a Escocia, no te arrepentirás come to Scotland, you won't regret itcomo no me hagas caso, te arrepentirás you'll be sorry if you don't listen to me, if you don't listen to me you'll live to regret it2 to repent, to be sorry, to lament, to feel sorry.* * *1 (gen) to regret (de, -)2 RELIGIÓN to repent (de, of)* * *verb1) to regret, be sorry2) repent* * *VPR to repent, be repentantarrepentirse de haber hecho algo — to regret doing sth, regret having done sth
no arrepentirse de nada — to have no regrets, not be sorry for anything
* * *verbo pronominala) ( lamentar) to be sorryarrepentirse de + inf — to regret -ing
b) ( cambiar de idea) to change one's mind* * *= feel + remorse, get + cold feet.Ex. The study was designed to determine if players felt remorse if an opposing player was injured as a result of their act of aggression.Ex. The important thing is to be true to yourself, but should you get cold feet at the eleventh hour remember that there could be serious financial implications as well as emotional ones.----* no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.* * *verbo pronominala) ( lamentar) to be sorryarrepentirse de + inf — to regret -ing
b) ( cambiar de idea) to change one's mind* * *= feel + remorse, get + cold feet.Ex: The study was designed to determine if players felt remorse if an opposing player was injured as a result of their act of aggression.
Ex: The important thing is to be true to yourself, but should you get cold feet at the eleventh hour remember that there could be serious financial implications as well as emotional ones.* no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.* * *arrepentirse [ I11 ]1 (lamentar) to be sorrysi no lo haces, te arrepentirás if you don't do it, you'll regret it o you'll be sorryarrepentirse DE algo to regret sthno me arrepiento de nada I don't regret a thing, I have no regretsse arrepintió de sus pecados he repented of his sinsarrepentirse DE + INF to regret -INGno te arrepentirás de comprarlo you won't regret buying it¿te arrepientes de no haber ido? do you regret not going o not having gone?2 (cambiar de idea) to change one's mindse arrepintió y decidió no comprar la casa she changed her mind and decided not to buy the house* * *
arrepentirse ( conjugate arrepentirse) verbo pronominal
arrepentirse de algo to regret sth;
arrepentirse de hacer algo to regret doing sth
arrepentirse verbo reflexivo
1 (sentir remordimiento, pesar) to regret [de, -]
Rel to repent [de, -] ➣ Ver nota en regret
2 (volverse atrás) to change one's mind
' arrepentirse' also found in these entries:
- lamentarse
- arrepienta
- marcha
- repent
- rue
- sorry
* * *arrepentirse vpr1. [de acción] to regret it;arrepentirse de algo/de haber hecho algo to regret sth/having done sth;ven a Cuba, no te arrepentirás come to Cuba, you won't regret it;como no me hagas caso, te arrepentirás you'll be sorry if you don't listen to me, if you don't listen to me you'll live to regret it2. [de pecado, crimen] to repent;arrepentirse de algo/de haber hecho algo to repent (of) sth/having done sth3. [volverse atrás]al final, me arrepentí y no fui in the end, I decided not to go;no te arrepientas en el último momento don't change your mind at the last minute* * *v/r1 be sorry;arrepentirse de algo regret sth;estar arrepentido de algo regret sth, be sorry for sth* * *arrepentirse {76} vr1) : to regret, to be sorry2) : to repent* * *se arrepiente de haberlo hecho she regrets doing it / she's sorry she did it -
18 sentir remordimiento
(v.) = feel + remorseEx. The study was designed to determine if players felt remorse if an opposing player was injured as a result of their act of aggression.* * *(v.) = feel + remorseEx: The study was designed to determine if players felt remorse if an opposing player was injured as a result of their act of aggression.
19 akt
- akta* * *mi1. form. (= czyn) act, deed; akt agresji act of aggression; akt rozpaczy act of desperation; desperate deed; akt płciowy sexual intercourse, sexual act, coitus; akt stworzenia rel. act of creation.2. (= uroczysta deklaracja l. wyznanie) akt łaski amnesty, act of grace; akt wiary/skruchy act of faith/contrition.3. (= ceremonia, czynność formalna) act, ceremony; akt koronacyjny act of coronation; dokonać aktu dekoracji decorate sb.4. teatr act; opera w trzech aktach an opera in three acts; pierwszy akt komedii first act of a comedy.5. sztuka (= wyobrażenie nagiego ciała) nude; akt kobiecy female nude; pozować do aktu pose for a nude.6. prawn. (= dokument) certificate, deed, act, contract; akt darowizny deed of gift l. donation; akt kupna-sprzedaży bill of sale; sale contract; akt kupna deed of purchase; akt prawny legal act; akt ślubu marriage certificate; akt urodzenia birth certificate; akt oskarżenia arraignment, indictment; sporządzić akt oskarżenia draw up an indictment.The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > akt
20 ak|t
Ⅰ m (G aktu) 1. książk. (czyn, działanie) act- akt agresji/rozpaczy an act of aggression/despair- akt zemsty/skruchy/wiary an act of revenge/contrition/faith- akt wielkiej wagi an act of great significance- akty dywersji acts of sabotage- akt poznania a. poznawczy a cognitive act- akt dziejowy a historic act- historyczny akt a historic act- akt płciowy the sex act2. książk. (ceremonia) ceremony- akt koronacyjny a coronation (ceremony)- akt nadania imienia szkole a school naming ceremony- dokonać aktu otwarcia wystawy to officially open an exhibition3. (dokument) (urzędowy) certificate; (prawny) deed, (official) document; (legislacyjny) act, statute- akt ślubu/urodzenia/zgonu a marriage/birth/death certificate- akt darowizny/kupna a deed of gift/purchase- podpisać/sporządzić akt to sign/draw up a document/deed- podpisać akt kapitulacji to sign act a. instrument of capitulation- Konstytucja jest najważniejszym aktem prawnym the Constitution is the most important legal instrument4. Teatr act także przen.- komedia w pięciu aktach a comedy in five acts- tu rozegrał się ostatni akt rodzinnego dramatu this is where the final act of this family drama took place a. played itself out5. Szt. nude; (w czasopiśmie) nude photo- akt kobiecy/męski a female/male nude- pozować do aktu to pose (in the) nude6. Filoz. act Ⅱ akta plt (zbiór dokumentów) records, files; (dotyczące osoby, sprawy) dossier sg- akta miejskie/sądowe municipal/court records- wyciąg z akt an extract from the records- dołączyć/wpisać coś do akt to place/put sth on file- odkładać coś do akt to file sth (away)- Archiwum Akt Dawnych Public Record Office GB, Public Archives- □ akt mowy Jęz. speech act- akt notarialny Prawo notarial deed- akt oskarżenia Prawo (bill of) indictment- akta stanu cywilnego Admin. registry office records- akta ziemskie Hist. registers kept by district and municipal courts in Poland since the late 14th centuryThe New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > ak|t
См. также в других словарях:
aggression — n. attack 1) to commit aggression against 2) to repel, repulse aggression 3) armed; brazen, naked, outright, stark, unprovoked aggression aggressiveness 4) to manifest aggression 5) to control, stifle aggression 6) deep seated, hidden, deep… … Combinatory dictionary
aggression — ag|gres|sion [ ə greʃn ] noun uncount ** 1. ) a situation in which one country attacks another: We will unite to defend ourselves against aggression. aggression against: The statement condemned the country s brutal aggression against its neighbor … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
aggression */*/ — UK [əˈɡreʃ(ə)n] / US noun [uncountable] 1) an angry feeling that makes you want to attack or defeat someone else show/express/display aggression: Boys usually express their aggression by hitting each other. aggression towards: So far they had… … English dictionary
aggression — ag|gres|sion [əˈgreʃən] n [U] [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: aggressio, from aggredi to attack , from ad to + gradi to step, go ] 1.) angry or threatening behaviour or feelings that often result in fighting ▪ Television violence can encourage … Dictionary of contemporary English
aggression — noun (U) 1 angry or threatening behaviour or feelings that often result in fighting: Television violence can encourage aggression in children. 2 the act of attacking a country, especially when that country has not attacked first: territorial… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
aggression — [[t]əgre̱ʃ(ə)n[/t]] aggressions 1) N UNCOUNT Aggression is a quality of anger and determination that makes you ready to attack other people. Aggression is by no means a male only trait. Syn: belligerence Ant: gentleness 2) N VAR Aggression is… … English dictionary
act of war — an act of aggression by a country against another with which it is nominally at peace. * * * act of war, an act of armed aggression by a nation without a formal declaration of war … Useful english dictionary
aggression — noun 1) an act of aggression Syn: hostility, aggressiveness, belligerence, bellicosity, force, violence; pugnacity, pugnaciousness, militancy, warmongering; attack, assault 2) he played the game with unceasing aggression Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
aggression — noun 1) an act of aggression Syn: hostility, belligerence, force, violence, attack 2) he played with unceasing aggression Syn: confidence, self confidence, boldness, determination, forcefulness … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
aggression — [əˈgreʃ(ə)n] noun [U] 1) an angry feeling that makes you want to behave violently or attack someone else 2) a situation in which a person or country attacks another person or country an act of aggression against a neighbouring country[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
act of war — an act of aggression by a country against another with which it is nominally at peace. * * * … Universalium